What Kind of Leader Are You Quiz for Students

Unlock your inner leader with our What Kind of Leader Are You quiz! Discover your unique leadership style and shine brighter in school and beyond.

Hey future CEOs and world-changers! Do you naturally assume the role of the leader in class projects? Do teachers ask you to help them calm the class or check assignments? Do people around you think you’re sometimes bossy? If you think you got some leadership qualities, I’ve created a quiz that’ll really help you understand a lot about your personality!

Are you ready to know more about how your style of leadership is? And by that, I don’t mean being bossy in your group or the chief of chaos (although, admit it, we all know one). No, this is about discovering your unique leadership superpower.

After having led my company for more than eight years now, I’ve come to realize that my leadership style has evolved a lot. I’ve been inspired on what to do and not to do by my previous bosses and even parents. In school and college, I wasn’t much of a leader, but since this role came with being a businesswoman that I always wanted to be, here we are! 

So whether you’re a natural leader as a student or happy to just be doing your own work on the sidelines, this quiz is for you!

7 Leadership Styles: What’s Yours?

There are 7 kinds of leadership styles, and in some books you’ll find big words to describe them, but here is the gist of it in simple terms:

  1. Autocratic: It’s the ‘my way or the highway’ approach; one person decides, everyone follows!
  2. Transformational: These leaders inspire you, pushing boundaries and making everyone aim higher!
  3. Laissez-Faire: Chill mode on; they trust their team, giving them freedom and power to decide.
  4. Democratic: Every voice counts! Let’s vote and decide together, folks.
  5. Transactional: It’s all about the deal – you do this, you get that in return.
  6. Servant: Here to serve! They put their team first, always helping, supporting, and lifting others up.
  7. Charismatic: With that magnetic charm, they captivate and rally everyone with sheer personality!

Personally speaking, there’s something from every style in each one of us leaders. However, one style may really stand out for you.

What Kind of Leader Are You Quiz: Find Your Leadership Style

Welcome to my “What Kind of Leader Are You?” quiz. 

Many people think leadership is all about bossing people around, or setting rules in a company. Leadership isn’t just about being the captain of a ship or telling people what to do. It’s also about understanding yourself, your strengths, and what makes you the main character of your story. It’s about realizing that you don’t need a cape to change the world.

Whether you’re someone with a flair for groundbreaking ideas or someone who inspires like a motivational speaker on turbocharge. Or maybe your superpower is planning like an event coordinator on a double espresso, or the kinda leader who smooths things over like a diplomat with an endless supply of calming tea. Get ready for my quiz that will peel back the layers of your leadership persona. 

Because guess what? You’re not just a leader; you’re a leader with pizzazz, and it’s high time you knew it! Yay!

But this quiz isn’t just about labels – it’s about celebrating your talents. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!

Group projects time! Your role typically is
Taking charge and making all the decisions.
Inspiring everyone with your vision for the project.
Letting the group decide, but you’re there if they need you.
Asking everyone's opinion before deciding on the next steps.



When someone in your group struggles, you
Let them figure it out, but are there if they reach out.
Break down the task and guide them.
Rally the team to help them out.
Offer words of motivation and encouragement.



When you think of a leader, you see..
A guiding star.
A decision-maker.
A supportive friend.
Someone with infectious energy.



How do you handle criticism?
You consider all feedback but decide for yourself.
You welcome it and often seek it out to grow.
You appreciate it, especially if it helps the whole group.
It doesn't bother you; you stick to your vision.



Your dream job is
CEO of a big company.
An influential public speaker.
A teacher or mentor.
An innovator or entrepreneur.



If you had a superpower, it would be..
The ability to influence and inspire
Being able to make decisions instantly
Absorbing knowledge and sharing it
Connecting and understanding everyone's perspective



At a school event, you're most likely to be:
Organizing and overseeing.
Pumping up the crowd with your energy.
Helping out wherever needed.
Sharing ideas and brainstorming.



When faced with a difficult decision
You ask what others think, then make the final call.
You break down the pros and cons, and decide based on what’s best for everyone.
You go with your gut, and try to get others on board.
You do what you believe is right, without needing input.



Your mantra is..
My way, the high way!
Together, we shine brighter.
Every challenge is a learning opportunity.
Stick to the plan, and we’ll succeed.



Your friend is stressing about an upcoming test. You..
Give them a step-by-step plan to study.
Offer emotional support and inspire confidence.
Help them understand study materials and be by their side for questions or other help.
Motivate them, but mostly let them study on their own.



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What Kind of Leader Are You Quiz






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